Girl in Wander

Does everything under the sun

Japan, Travels

Wandering in Kyoto

Its Day 2 of our Osaka-Kyoto Trip we woke up at round 7am to eat our breakfast, breakfast buffet is included in our booking so we all ate in our hotel’s dinning. We showered yesterday night to save some time since we still have to head to Kyoto from Osaka.


Bamboo Forest – we went straight from our hotel to Bamboo forest it was already late and we were really rushing since there’s still a lot of places we wanted to visit! Anyway it was raining and we cant find exactly the Bamboo forest so it took us some time so we just hurriedly passed by the Bamboo forest but of course taking pictures will never be left out.

For NCTzens there, this place is included in Yuta tour’s Itinerary for NCT LIfe

Kinkakuji Temple – in English it is called Temple of the Golden Pavilion. I already find the place amusing just from its ticket, I can’t really understand what’s written but unlike normal card tickets this one looks like letters from the past.


Just few steps away from the entrance you’ll get to see this shinning beautiful golden pavilion. I wonder if the whole pavilion is made of gold or not but it was really beautiful you can get to see its front view from afar but you can see its back portion up close as you walk deeper to the park. There were really lots of people taking picture so we just took a photo on the sides. There’s just so many people wherever we go because its still holiday in Japan.


You won’t just get to see the Kinkakuji Temple there’s still a lot more in the place. They have stalls for souvenirs and this Incense. They say that if you inhale the smoke from the incense it will remove bad lucks following you and welcome good lucks instead.


We also found a fortune machine where in you will insert 100 yen and a piece of paper will come out and this contains your fortune for the year. No worries they have these fortune papers in different language. They have it in English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Make sure to read before you insert your coin, my brother inserted his coin in the Korean fortune machine and we can’t understand a word.


Kiyomizu Dera Temple – Before you reach the temple you will pass through a street of souvenir shops, there are really a lot of souvenirs you can buy and there’s also a lot of free taste make sure to try them all, they’re all delicious. We decided to buy some pasalubongs before we enter the temple because they’ll be closing first. It took as so long to buy because they really offer a variety of choices from foods and stuffs. Everything was so unique and new to us that we find each shops and items really amusing if only the temple is not yet closing we could have stayed there longer. I want to shop more ?.

We entered the temple really late so it was already dark, we can’t take that much good photos anymore which is so unfortunate. It felt kinda scary also at the same time since were out in some old place and the outcome of my shots aren’t that good anymore so we left hurriedly as well.


Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine – It was really late when we reach Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine but I just can’t leave Kyoto without dropping by this place. I’ve wanted to take a certain photo from there but it was already dark, so I can’t take it. We should have been here first before any places because this is the one I’ve been looking forward to in Kyoto. I will definitely come back for this place!


Anyway just before you enter the shrine they have this ritual of drinking water to cleanse your soul, only if you did it right once! And because I kinda lack some understanding of what’s written I failed in doing it right and that just gave me another reason why I should come back.


Kyoto Tower – as far as I know Kyoto was the capital of Japan before it became Tokyo. So Kyoto itself is full of history and historical places. We took some time to see the Kyoto Tower before we leave Kyoto to go back to Tokyo. The tower is simple but very recognizable, I suggest you cross the street to take a photo of the whole tower.



  1. Ivo

    October 14, 2018 at 4:52 pm

    Nice photos, you should definitely post more 🙂

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