Girl in Wander

Does everything under the sun

Philippines, Travels

Surfing at San Juan La Union


Being the nearest surfing area in Manila! La Union has been known as the Surfing Capital of the Philippines and leaving La Union without trying it is an uncomplete trip! As you would check my bucketlist it is one of the things that I would really want to do! So despite the fact that I have to return to Manila as soon as possible and the risk that I might not be able to be on time for a concert I still chose to travel on road to La Union.

Just for our last day of stay in La Union, after pestering my parents nonstop and really kept telling them that I really want to surf, That I need to surf before going home. We finally drove to the surfing Area. The beach was literally shared by the surfing instructors and resorts. Whatever resort you enter you will end up seeing each other in the same beach.

As soon as I set foot on the beach I went over to the tent of surfing instructors (There were actually a lot of surfing schools should I say? that you can choose from). Then we were asked to fill up some form that will be asking for some basic informations. There is a question on whether you can swim or not, I thought if I check out that I can’t swim then they’ll be giving me extra guidance and attention so I checked the portion that I can’t swim (though I’m pretty confident to say that I can swim well)

After filling up the form we were then thought on how to ride the board and how to successfully stand up on it and some important safety reminders that you should really take note!

So we praticed a bit before we are off to the waterrr~~


It is not the season for surfing so the waves was kinda weak but I can see people standing on their boards so I didn’t mind it.

Here we gooo~~ were finally on the water.


Standing up was easy but balancing was hard. It’s like I will be able to stand for a second or two then eventually I’m already in the water. 


Unlike me. my brother was pretty good after 3 tries he was already enjoying his stay above the board and was balancing really well.

I wasn’t able to make a complete stay on the board until my time is up but thanks to my instructor he let me try again for the last time. And maybe because it was already my last I was able to make it! YAY!

There was an event on the day that we came so the entrance was for free until 6pm (lucky us haha) because I think a music camp or show will start at 7pm and the area was supposed to be for those who bought the tickets. So we have to leave already but still it was a day to remember that I was able to cross out one from my bucketlist.


  1. Pearly Jane

    June 21, 2015 at 7:49 am

    I tried surfing too and it was such a cool experience~ 😀

    1. littlemissjanine

      June 21, 2015 at 1:52 pm

      It really was!! ? I really want to try surfing again with bigger waves! Haha

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